This year’s Valley Rail Sights was better than ever! We gained a new vendor and a new club member. The show was a great success and we look forward to returning to the Ilion Masonic Lodge in 2014.
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Valley Rail Sights 2013
FUNTRAK‘s usual interesting layouts were the center of attention again this year at the annual Valley Rail Sights show in Ilion. In addition to the layouts this year, FUNTRAK also had vendors with trains and supporting equipment for sale. The vendors were pleased and promised to return next year. Attendance was good and everyone had a great time.
Monthly March Meeting
FUNTRAK managed to get in its monthly meeting at the Family Fun Center at the end of the month. Inclement weather and a variety of other conflicts postponed the usual meeting, but all turned out well in the end. Club members set up the small layout above and discussed the numerous upcoming events.
Community Involvement
FUNTRAK appreciates having the support of the Fisher Elementary School PTO. We hope they get as much enjoyment from having the trains there as we get out of running trains.
February Setup at Fisher Elementary School
Train Show Attracts Rail Fans of All Ages
Everyone – visitors and participants alike – had a great time at the train show this weekend. Our thanks go out to Fischer Elementary School for welcoming FUNTRAK back again. Read more from The Little Falls Times.
Style from the Land Down Under!
Southern Comfort. It appears that FUNTRAK is well respected and represented in Australia as is evidenced by the beautiful shirt FUNTRAK President Brian King is sporting in the picture above. FUNTRAK’s representative in Australia, Mark Bean, sent the shirt to Brian to assure him that FUNTRAK is not forgotten and that our relationship continues to grow over time. Thanks, Mark.
And A Good Time Was Had By All
FUNTRAK’s annual Oneida County Historical Society holiday show was well received and enjoyed by patrons and participants alike.
Amsterdam Riverfront Center
The display at the Amsterdam Riverfront Center was deemed a success!
Funtrak at the Riverfront
Twenty 0ne. FUNTRAK has reached that pinnacle this year. Like the ace, FUNTRAK is the number one train club in the area and like the jack, FUNTRAK’s members are jacks of all trades. FUNTRAK’s newest venue, The Riverfront in Amsterdam, exemplifies FUNTRAK’s continuing efforts to support and entertain the public with its fantastic display of model trains. FUNTRAK will keep on working to preserve the model railroading hobby by presenting its fabulous displays whenever possible.