
From the Desk: August 2012

As Labor Day approaches and the end of summer is nigh, I reflect on the activities of the past month. Model railroad wise, there was not too much going on. members managed to assemble a rather large N scale t-trak layout in my basement in preparation for the PicNik as well as a smaller HO t-trak layout. The HO layout was compliments of one of ’s newest members, Greg Brockway. Greg did an outstanding job of finishing, scenicking, and detailing this small layout. The N scale layout used nearly all of ’s available modules and consisted of five separate loops. With the crossovers in use, a train was able to traverse four of the five loops making a total running distance of over three scale miles! See trains in action below.

Other activities include the ongoing construction of new t-trak modules in both N and HO scales. Specialty modules are the order of the day for the N scale modules with two being constructed to accommodate a new one track line and plans for a reverse loop addition to the one track line utilizing standard corners for the return side of the loop. All these are currently a work in progress. Hopefully they will be completed soon and allow to use them in the upcoming fall model railroading season. More HO modules are underway to expand the size and scope of the HO side of the hobby with . Specialty modules are being considered as well. Transportation, as always, seems to be posing the biggest obstacle to the expansion of the HO portion of the hobby. All of these issues will be addressed and eventually a solution will be derived and acted upon to solve these problems.

Problems aside, the N and HO modules are being assembled for display again this year at the Fonda Fair. A full review of this event will be forthcoming. Following the fair, has a fairly rigorous schedule for the fall season. September 8-9 will see in Clayton with the West Winds group. October will see the annual dinner and then on to November with Syracuse the first weekend and Fulton the following weekend. December may see back at the Oneida County Historical Society. T-trak in all scales is becoming more and more popular and appears to be on the way to becoming a staple of the model railroading scene. fully supports this effort and is looking forward to a bright future with many shows and lots of interaction with the public.

If model railroading is one of your interests, this is one of the easiest ways to get involved. The modules are small, inexpensive, and simple. Most important, they are easily transportable. This makes them ideal for people with limited space and transportation means. If you build it, they will come! Keep on training.


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From the Desk: August 2012

So, summer is well on the way to the halfway point and so far it has proven to be a rather pleasant one. Much needed rain has arrived recently and the weekends have managed to escape torrential downpours despite the overall precipitation. None of the weekends have ended up as a complete washout, anyway. With the rain through the week, this leads to a reason to stay inside and, naturally, work on much needed model railroad items. Of course, I haven’t been taking advantage of this “free” time to accomplish the myriad of necessary things, but fortunately, one of ’s newest members, Greg Brockway, has been industriously employed and assembled the newest addition in the form of a new HO T-trak layout.

Greg B

Our newest club member has proved to be most industrious

Greg has managed to finish and scenic four corners and four modules in record time and make it all work. He displayed his handiwork at the most recent club meeting held at his home. The layout was up and running when we arrived and all looks wonderful. Everyone commented on Greg’s remarkable progress and the way the layout ran. This layout will be up and running at the PicNik this month. Do not miss this opportunity to see Greg’s craftsmanship in action. Speaking of craftsmanship, Brian Curry has given us some good news and some bad news. First the bad news. Brian will not be at the PicNik because of some other family obligations. We certainly will miss him and all the expertise he would bring to the event. On the other hand, the good news is to supply his T-trak module for the layout at the PicNik. As mentioned last month, we are all anxiously awaiting its arrival to see what the rest of us should be doing! Thank you Brian for your time, efforts, and consideration. Next year’s PicNik will be on the fourth of August. Don’t say you haven’t had enough time to plan ahead!

Other events this month include the Fonda Fair where will be setting up a large T-trak layout in addition to the other layouts already there. Greg may bring the HO T-trak division as well. Plans are incomplete at this writing, but intentions are to have the new layout at the fair for everyone to enjoy. More future plans are in the works such as a show in Mohawk over Columbus Day weekend supported by the local schools and PTO. More details will be forthcoming as soon as they are available. Since this will be an inaugural show, it is difficult to predict how it will go, but always hopes for the best and enjoys displaying trains for the public regardless of the obstacles that may present themselves.

Next on the agenda for will be the annual show in Clayton the weekend after Labor Day. Again this year anticipates bringing some N-trak modules and a T-trak layout. The rest of the West Winds group has promised to supply a few modules to enhance the T-trak layout with some new and exciting scenery. Come on out and support your local model railroad club. See you at the shows!


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Canadian Friends

Here are a few pictures of the handiwork of our Canadian friends, Justin Parry and David King. As with most model railroad layouts, these are all a work-in-progress. It is always interesting to follow the progress of a layout as it grows, and moves toward completion. Of course, no layout ever seems to be “complete!” Justin’s layout is a large N scale layout with numerous modern features that are being developed. The electronics involved are truly mind-boggling, but they sure make operation interesting! David’s layout is a smaller On30 layout with a reduced version of similar controls to Justin’s. David usually tries something on his layout and then incorporates into Justin’s after testing and evaluation. The smaller layout provides a “test bed” for trying new things before going upscale to the larger layout. David is doing all these electronics while at the same time scratchbuilding most of the structures for his layout. Retirement contributes to much of the time required to do all these things, but even then things do not go as quickly as one might imagine. will continue to follow the evolution of these railroads as we overtake the future.

Inspiration From A Master Model Railroader

FUNTRAK club member Clayt Farrall cheerfully presents Brian Curry with a T-Trak basic module

FUNTRAK was extremely pleased to give this module to Brian in recognition of his accomplishments and contributions to model railroading. Of course, there is a catch. With the upcoming annual Picnik, FUNTRAK will be setting up a small T-trak layout at the Picnik and expects Brian’s new module to be the star of the show. The August cover will tell the story. We’re all rooting for you Brian!

Brian Curry was kind enough to invite Funtrak members to visit his exquisite N scale home layout. This layout will provide inspiration to anyone who has even the slightest interest in model railroading. See his exquisitely detailed layout below.

Memorial Weekend Work Session

Constructing the first of the necessary modules for the revived HO division of FUNTRAK began over the Memorial Day weekend. Two corners were completed with more to follow. Greg, one of ’s newest members, proudly displays one of the completed corners.

Greg displays the completed corner for the HO module

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