Train Shows

Fonda Fair 2013

Our participation in the Fonda Fair contributes to our exposure and is fun for club members!

runnin' trains

runnin’ trains

amazing detail

amazing detail

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From the Desk: September 2013

A Banner Year!

Funtrak Banner

It’s that time once more! The summer season is coming to a close, school is getting ready to reopen, and I am retired. No more school for me! has completed the annual PicNik with the usual great success. Fun, food, games, prizes, trains, and people all gathered together for a fabulous time again this year. So now is the time to reflect on the results of all this activity and to review future plans for . New this year for the PicNik were some innovations to attract attention and interest. The banner pictured above was designed and finished by Brandon White, long time supporter of model railroading and . This beautiful banner is over ten feet wide and easily visible from nearly anywhere. There is finally a flag pole to hold the American flag, and after some searching, a Canadian flag, in recognition of our Canadian friends and participants for the past ten years with the PicNik. In recognition of the importance of this tenth anniversary, LED flashlights engraved with 10th PicNik were distributed to all guests. Besides the grand prize of half the proceeds in the fifty-fifty raffle, prizes were awarded as tickets were drawn from the hat. This gave many more participants a chance to win a prize and was very popular.

The usual food supply was wonderful and our great Canadian friend David King cooked everything to perfection. The littlest guests also had a great time. Games with squirt guns, balloons, hoops, and pylons kept the smaller participants busy and entertained all day. Even the weather cooperated! After an initial rain for a short time, the sky cleared up and the rest of the day was beautiful. Finally, trains were up and running in both N scale and HO scale thanks to club members John Fleming and Greg Brockway, who coordinated the layouts with the help of other members and guests Al Wheeler and Mike LaCasse from Albany. Al and Mike brought some new modules to test and see how they operated in a T-Trak layout. Although not sceniked yet, the modules did operate flawlessly and were a welcome addition to ’s N scale T-Trak layout. These new modules presented some new advanced ideas as to construction and transport methods. T-Trak continues to grow and move forward in numerous areas.

is currently developing a one-trak concept for an automated reverse loop using an Arduino micro controller. Revision 2 of the plan is shown in the pictures on page three. The loop can be used in multiple ways. The end spacing allows it to be used with the specialty reverse loop module or as a regular module that can connect to the two standard 33mm centered modules. This arrangement allows for increasing the size of the reverse loop but does limit the ability of handling larger motive power because of the radius of the curves. It also allows the use of a single tee module without a matching tee on the other side of the layout. Of course, a special length matching straight module is required to make the layout even, but has two of those!

’s next event is the Fonda Fair followed by Clayton and then Syracuse. Hopefully, the reverse loop project will be ready to test and operate at Syracuse. Come on out and join us for all the fun at these scheduled events. See you there!

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From the Desk: May 2013

Somehow it doesn’t seem possible, but this was the fifth year that has conducted its annual Valley Rail Sights show at the Masonic Lodge in Ilion. As usual, everything went swimmingly due to the efforts of ’s club members and the folks at the lodge. was fortunate to entice a new vendor to the show this year, Doug Davis, who was extremely pleased with the show. Doug brought many new and exciting products to the show and everyone benefited from his wares. Both Doug and are looking forward to his return next year.

The venue for this year was updated, as decided to not bring the usual N-Trak layout. The N scale T-Trak layout was expanded, as was the HO T-Trak layout. Our friend and great supporter, Rich Petitto from Syracuse, was in attendance and brought a G scale display. Lorenzo supplied his small Z scale oval and Brian supplied the children’s Lionel layout. Rich says that next year he will bring a small S scale layout to round out all the scales. F also managed to acquired a new member at the show this year. Welcome aboard to Bill Whittaker who joins us with an HO scale interest. This will be most helpful to Greg Brockway who has been the sole supporter of HO for the time being. Greg recently got his van roadworthy and is now able to transport the HO layout much more easily. With more manpower, better transportation, and new ideas and interests, should be able to expand its horizons in the other scales. We are all eagerly looking ahead to the new HO modules to be built and shown in the future.

One of the first outings for Greg’s van came on Saturday, April 27th at Fisher Elementary School. Greg brought the entire HO layout without having to cram everything into his Pontiac. Now the new module era can begin and Greg will be able to haul them with much less difficulty.

Overall, things are looking up for as new members, vehicles, ideas, scales, support, vendors, and model railroading in general are falling into place. This month, traditionally a slow model railroading month, expects to meet and discuss future plans as well as conduct a work session to build some of the future equipment for the upcoming shows. June should see at Dave’s Diner near the end of the month in conjunction with Dave’s famous and popular Cruise In’s. We plan to try out the new small generator recently acquired to see how it works out. Hopefully, it won’t be too loud! July may find at Clayt’s and possibly another work session. Volunteers to hold meetings are always welcome, let Brian know and meetings will be scheduled accordingly. August will see back at the Fonda Fair through Labor Day. September begins the cycle of ’s shows all over again. Check back regularly for information regarding shows and events.

Until next time–> keep on training!

Spring Fun at Fisher Elementary

Funktrak found itself at Fisher Elem School again, the weekend of April 27-28.

Keeps Getting Better

This year’s Valley Rail Sights was better than ever! We gained a new vendor and a new club member. The show was a great success and we look forward to returning to the Ilion Masonic Lodge in 2014.

Valley Rail Sights 2013


‘s usual interesting layouts were the center of attention again this year at the annual Valley Rail Sights show in Ilion. In addition to the layouts this year, also had vendors with trains and supporting equipment for sale. The vendors were pleased and promised to return next year. Attendance was good and everyone had a great time.

February Setup at Fisher Elementary School

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Train Show Attracts Rail Fans of All Ages

Kids Like Trains

From left, James and Dylan Longwell watch in excitement as a model train moves around the track at the FUNTRAK show at Fisher Elementary School in Mohawk on Sunday. Photo: Nichole Grant, Little Falls Times.

Everyone – visitors and participants alike – had a great time at the train show this weekend. Our thanks go out to Fischer Elementary School for welcoming back again. Read more from The Little Falls Times.

From the Desk: February 2013

Here it is February again and the same old problem persists; no activities to report. The Springfield show was last weekend, but did not participate as a club and I did not attend. The Utica Toy Train Collectors Society show has come and gone, again did not participate. Consequently, there is little to report for January. So what to write about?

From our 2012 setup, Fischer students enjoying looking but not touching model train layouts.

Upcoming events that will participate in. February brings in a new show this year at the Fisher Elementary School in Mohawk sponsored by and the local Parent Teacher Organization over the weekend of February 9th and February 10th. This inaugural event should prove to be an exciting event for all involved. The residents of Mohawk, especially the children, have been exceptionally supportive of in the past and have enjoyed the many displays provided by the club. hopes to lure in many new visitors for this show to help support the Parent Teacher Organization and as well as promoting model railroading to the public in general. This will be an excellent opportunity for families to come and enjoy the many aspects of model railroading from history to construction to modeling of railroads of all kinds. Do not miss this chance to see what model railroading can offer to you and your family.

March looks to be a quiet month but April is fairly active. First up is the 25th Anniversary of RailRun in Boston over the first weekend in April. club members Greg Brockway, John Fleming, and Brian King are scheduled to attend with our old friend from Canada, David King. This is always a fantastic occasion that everyone enjoys. The layouts are not only wonderfully scenicked, but extremely well organized and professional in their operation, which is the main reason for attending in the first place.

Following this will be ’s annual Valley Rail Sights Show at the Masonic Lodge in Ilion again this year. Even this is an historic happening as this marks the fifth year has been associated with the Masons in Ilion. This has proven to be a great venue for and the Masons as both benefit from the event. Participation by other clubs has made this show a favorite for club members and those who join us in the fun. We look forward to seeing our friends from Syracuse, Rochester, Canada, Albany, and other places who help with this show each year. The layouts change each year and the excitement at seeing what is new keeps the spectators coming back for more. They won’t be disappointed this year as will be bringing the HO T-trak layout for the first time to Ilion. People have been clamoring for an HO display and this year will be able to accommodate their wishes. Additionally, the other scales will also be represented from G, to N, to Z and the ever popular Lionel layout the public operates.

Future activities are in the works and the PicNik this year is going to be a BIG DEAL! Mark your calendars for the first Sunday in August (the fourth) and don’t miss this one! Meanwhile, keep on training. See you next time.


And A Good Time Was Had By All

’s annual Oneida County Historical Society holiday show was well received and enjoyed by patrons and participants alike.

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