Train Shows

From the Desk: January 2013

2012 to 2013So as I sit here contemplating what to write for the new year, everyone is anxiously awaiting what is going to happen in the coming year financially and politically. Will these events affect ’s future and if so, how? Let me review what has transpired for over the past twelve months and see how it relates to what we can expect over the next twelve months.

Up first is the website. This has been ADDRESSED AND UPDATED OVER THE PAST YEAR. The website has been fairly well maintained and updated on a regular basis to keep folks apprised of what is happening with and the model railroading hobby. Thanks to our webmaster, Anna K.Amendolare, who shamelessly gives herself credit for these accomplishments. So much for the website.

Successes and failures over the last year have also been a part of ’s ongoing endeavors. Unfortunately, not every venue continues to be a success as was the case with the Chocolate Train Wreck show in Hamilton and the Christmas display at Preswick Glen. However, along with less than desirable results, we also had some successes in our involvement with other shows. Of particular interest this past year was Fisher Elementary School where displayed layouts on various occasions throughout the year and ’s involvement with the Genesee ‘N Ontario group and others at a giant T-trak display in Syracuse. These activities prove the viability of both and the T-trak concept. These shows also point to the decline in the presentation of full sized N-trak layouts as they become less popular and T-trak rises in popularity, mostly because of transportation issues. The compromise between available space for scenery and the ability to transport the modules is being won by the smaller T-trak modules. N-trak advantages are longer trains and more scenery, while T-trak has the advantage of easier setup and transportation. There is certainly room for both concepts, but currently, T-trak appears to be ahead in the popularity arena. To support this claim, recently finished a mountain division of the T-trak concept and is continuing to expand with more mountain modules on the way. Additionally, is now fully engaged in HO T-trak with our newer members carrying the responsibilities for this expansion.

Other ideas for the N scale T-trak are utilizing current modules in new and innovative ways to create such fascinating layouts as the double bubble and triple bubble concepts and modules being constructed to support the one-trak concept. In the HO realm, an inside corner is in the works as well as many new double modules. Most of these ideas were displayed at ’s most recent show at the Oneida County Historical Society with both HO and N scale layouts being displayed for the public. This was ’s largest HO layout so far and was well received by the community. Supplementing the HO, the N scale T-trak layout was the longest club only layout at over two and three quarters scale miles long on the red line. Not bad for a small club!

Finally, FUNTRAK wishes to welcome our newest member, Paul Boehlert into our midst. Hopefully, FUNTRAK can contribute to Paul’s interests and he in turn can help FUNTRAK move forward in its endeavors to promote the hobby. It should also be noted that our other new member this year, Greg Brockway, has contributed significantly to the club, especially with the HO T-trak modules. Greg’s efforts have greatly enhanced ’s image as well as its abilities to attract new members by increasing the field of scales being presented to the general public. FUNTRAK really does appreciate your efforts, Greg. Keep up the good work! Looking forward to a great new year, keep on training.


Holiday Train Show

Rail Run 2012

The presents are opened, the toys are set aside. And there’s still another week of vacation. Now what? Come out and see trains!

Bring the whole family. runs trains at the Oneida County Historical Society Thursday, December 27 through Saturday, December 29.

From the Desk: December 2012

Christmas is right around the corner as we leave November behind. This past month has been a busy one for . The first weekend found club members in Syracuse with numerous other clubs running one of the largest t-trak layouts assembled in the area. The double bubble made for some very interesting running. Besides the double bubble, also had its first showing of the newly constructed mountain division on the t-trak layout. As expected, this ran exceptionally well and provided even more interest and comments from spectators. The red line was set up to accommodate DCC while the remaining loops were all conventionally powered. The main red line was over five and a half scale miles long and took well over nine minutes to traverse. John Allen from Canada put a miniature camera on one of the trains and set out on a journey around the layout.

Overall, the show was a great success for all involved. The two day event allowed everyone to have a chance to run trains and acquire new equipment for their railroad kingdoms.

The next event was the following weekend in Fulton with the Oswego Valley Railroad Association sponsoring their annual holiday show. again showed up this time with a new and exciting “triple bubble.” Additionally, club member Greg Brockway managed to bring the new HO t-trak layout. Both layouts were big hits with the public. The next weekend found club members at Brian’s building more HO t-trak modules for future shows. These included four double modules and plans for a new regular outside corner and a new two piece inside corner. This will allow for more diversity in the HO layouts as more and more modules are constructed. The N scale one track modules are still in the works and should be completed soon. One of the newest modules for the N scale t-trak was built by Tim Brien, one of our newer members. Tim’s beautiful work can be seen here. Great work, Tim!

New specialty modules for both scales are being planned for the future. Expansion is the word of the day for FUNTRAK as new modules, concepts, and shows evolve for the club. ’s next endeavor is a show at the Amsterdam Riverfront Center on Saturday and Sunday, December 1 and 2, 2012 where the HO layout will again be displayed for the public’s enjoyment.

Finally, to close out the year, will again be displaying the t-trak layout at the Oneida County Historical Society from December 27 through December 29. Both of these shows are open to the public and FUNTRAK welcomes all to come and enjoy the trains! So, in the holiday spirit, Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah to all. See you next time and keep on training.


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FUNTRAK in Fulton, NY

runs trains with the Oswego Valley Railroad Association at their annual holiday show in Fulton, NY.

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Running Trains in Fulton, NY

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FUNTRAK in Syracuse

shows off its newly constructed mountain division of the T-Trak layout. We were delighted to participate in one of the largest T-Trak layouts assembled in the area!

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From the Desk: November 2012

National Model Railroad AssociationHere we are in November, National Model Railroad Month, and the schedule of events is extremely busy. Following a torrid building month in October, members are now preparing to attend some of the larger shows with the new modules ready for display. First up is Syracuse where FUNTRAK will debut the new mountain module section of the N scale t-trak division. Club members worked diligently throughout October getting these modules ready to be displayed to the world. Three work sessions and numerous nights were devoted to making everything operate properly. John Fleming then worked his magic on the scenery to ensure the modules would be at least presentable for the shows. Hopefully, all goes well at Syracuse with and the other participants. The planned layout will be over five scale miles around and should present an interesting layout. The main line is set to operate with DCC while the remaining loops will use conventional DC power. This arrangement will allow everyone to have a chance to see how mixed power can be applied to a layout and operated successfully.

Following Syracuse comes Fulton the very next weekend. is scheduled to bring both N scale and HO scale t-trak layouts to this show. Again, work sessions in October enabled the club to construct six new HO modules, four standard and two doubles. Greg Brockway, ’s resident HO guru, has been charged with getting track put down and fellow club members have committed to helping him in the scenery department. The only glitch may come in the area of space that is allocated for the layout in Fulton. will fill whatever space is provided.

With Christmas right around the corner, the annual show at Oneida County Historical Society is currently in the works. Clayt Farrall is doing his usual coordinating with the administrators to confirm dates, show times, space available, and details for the show. Anticipated dates this year are Wednesday, December 26 for setting up and running through Saturday, December 29. More information will be announced as it becomes available. Pictures of some of the new modules expected to be in the previously mentioned shows are on the next page. A well deserved “Thanks for a Great Job” goes out to all the club members who donated their time and effort to making these new modules possible. It is wonderful to have such enthusiastic individuals to associate with for such a great common cause. Next year will bring new challenges, different opportunities, and even more fun for our club as we move on to our twenty first year. Come on out and support your club!


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Running Trains in Clayton

We had a great time. Check back for more details.

More at Fonda Fair 2012

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