Tag: layouts

Funtrak at the Riverfront

Funtrak display at Amsterdam Riverfront Center

Twenty 0ne. has reached that pinnacle this year. Like the ace, is the number one train club in the area and like the jack, ’s members are jacks of all trades. ’s newest venue, The Riverfront in Amsterdam, exemplifies FUNTRAK’s continuing efforts to support and entertain the public with its fantastic display of model trains. FUNTRAK will keep on working to preserve the model railroading hobby by presenting its fabulous displays whenever possible.

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From the Desk: August 2012

So, summer is well on the way to the halfway point and so far it has proven to be a rather pleasant one. Much needed rain has arrived recently and the weekends have managed to escape torrential downpours despite the overall precipitation. None of the weekends have ended up as a complete washout, anyway. With the rain through the week, this leads to a reason to stay inside and, naturally, work on much needed model railroad items. Of course, I haven’t been taking advantage of this “free” time to accomplish the myriad of necessary things, but fortunately, one of ’s newest members, Greg Brockway, has been industriously employed and assembled the newest addition in the form of a new HO T-trak layout.

Greg B

Our newest club member has proved to be most industrious

Greg has managed to finish and scenic four corners and four modules in record time and make it all work. He displayed his handiwork at the most recent club meeting held at his home. The layout was up and running when we arrived and all looks wonderful. Everyone commented on Greg’s remarkable progress and the way the layout ran. This layout will be up and running at the PicNik this month. Do not miss this opportunity to see Greg’s craftsmanship in action. Speaking of craftsmanship, Brian Curry has given us some good news and some bad news. First the bad news. Brian will not be at the PicNik because of some other family obligations. We certainly will miss him and all the expertise he would bring to the event. On the other hand, the good news is to supply his T-trak module for the layout at the PicNik. As mentioned last month, we are all anxiously awaiting its arrival to see what the rest of us should be doing! Thank you Brian for your time, efforts, and consideration. Next year’s PicNik will be on the fourth of August. Don’t say you haven’t had enough time to plan ahead!

Other events this month include the Fonda Fair where will be setting up a large T-trak layout in addition to the other layouts already there. Greg may bring the HO T-trak division as well. Plans are incomplete at this writing, but intentions are to have the new layout at the fair for everyone to enjoy. More future plans are in the works such as a show in Mohawk over Columbus Day weekend supported by the local schools and PTO. More details will be forthcoming as soon as they are available. Since this will be an inaugural show, it is difficult to predict how it will go, but always hopes for the best and enjoys displaying trains for the public regardless of the obstacles that may present themselves.

Next on the agenda for will be the annual show in Clayton the weekend after Labor Day. Again this year anticipates bringing some N-trak modules and a T-trak layout. The rest of the West Winds group has promised to supply a few modules to enhance the T-trak layout with some new and exciting scenery. Come on out and support your local model railroad club. See you at the shows!


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Canadian Express: A Tribute to Our Northern Neighbor

This post is a tribute to our Northern neighbors in Canada. Brian recently visited with longtime
friend David King in Hamilton, Ontario where he was fortunate enough to visit a few home layouts,
including David’s. One of the interesting layouts he visited is pictured below, the Credit
Valley Railway
based in the company store in Mississauga.

Credit Valley Layout

in store layout at Credit Valley Railway

Besides the HO layout, which this and the other pictures below were taken on, there is also a Lionel layout as well as a small O gauge diorama. All these displays are well done and are a big asset to the hobby shop. The layouts illustrate what can be done with available supplies, of which the hobby shop carries everything needed to build these fine layouts. The selection at the store was wonderful, the help most gracious, and prices reasonable. Many hard to find and unusual items were readily available and easy to find in the well organized store. If you are in the area, do not pass up an opportunity to visit this fine Canadian hobby shop.

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