Tag: T-trak

Mine Your Own Business

Construction season continues for FUNTRAK as the above photograph indicates. This is John Fleming’s latest
endeavor and is something new for FUNTRAK, a triple! As is quite obvious, this is in the very early stages of building
but the layout and planning provide some idea of the scope and size of the eventual finished project. More pictures of the
beginnings of this module are inside so its progress can be observed. This module has additional bracing due to its longer
length. This was necessary to prevent sagging in the middle of the module and to provide a more stable and robust
framework. More FUNTRAK modules are also under construction. A new mountain module with a tunnel at the front is
underway. Pictures of the progress of this module are also inside. This module is unique in that the front is hinged to allow
access to the main tracks inside the tunnel if necessary. The tunnel construction idea allows for more scenery to be placed
on top of the module providing more depth of field..Meanwhile, our southern counterpart in Australia, Mark Bean, is
merrily designing and building a set of mountain modules for t-trak in Australia. Mark and Brian have been conversing
regularly and developing some new ideas to try with the t-trak mountain modules. These have not caught on as much as
the regular modules yet, but time will tell how this goes. Discussion on some of the Internet forums has been in the direction
of a second level of modules but no mention of the mountain line has come up. This may provide an alternative to trying
to figure a way to put up a second level independent of the modules on a lower level. Mark and Brian are also looking into
the possibility of having the mountain and main lines interconnect via an interface junction that would allow the trains to
go from the main line to the mountain line utilizing a gradient inside the layout. All this is in the very early planning and
research stages but standby for more in the near future.

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T-Trak Progression

The photos at left illustrate the before and after of the t-trak modules has built over the past few years. These modules are a testament to the remarkable talent available from members in recreating a visual spectacle everyone can appreciate. Lorenzo comes up with some new and exciting ideas, John assists in scenicking the modules with his creative talents, and members reap the benefits of the public’s admiration for these terrific displays. The combination of innovation, creativity, and talent is a winning situation for and those fortunate enough to see these fabulous works of art.
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Work Session

Construction Season


members Lorenzo Franchi and Jim Domser contemplate the new one-trak modules under construction. These new modules will add variety and some different concepts to the ever expanding t-trak modular system. This will allow for linear layouts and make the inevitable circle unnecessary if so desired. Of course, the one-trak tee will also allow the one-trak concept to be tied into the regular t-trak layout making all kinds of new innovative designs possible.

From the Desk: January 2013

2012 to 2013So as I sit here contemplating what to write for the new year, everyone is anxiously awaiting what is going to happen in the coming year financially and politically. Will these events affect ’s future and if so, how? Let me review what has transpired for over the past twelve months and see how it relates to what we can expect over the next twelve months.

Up first is the website. This has been ADDRESSED AND UPDATED OVER THE PAST YEAR. The website has been fairly well maintained and updated on a regular basis to keep folks apprised of what is happening with and the model railroading hobby. Thanks to our webmaster, Anna K.Amendolare, who shamelessly gives herself credit for these accomplishments. So much for the website.

Successes and failures over the last year have also been a part of ’s ongoing endeavors. Unfortunately, not every venue continues to be a success as was the case with the Chocolate Train Wreck show in Hamilton and the Christmas display at Preswick Glen. However, along with less than desirable results, we also had some successes in our involvement with other shows. Of particular interest this past year was Fisher Elementary School where displayed layouts on various occasions throughout the year and ’s involvement with the Genesee ‘N Ontario group and others at a giant T-trak display in Syracuse. These activities prove the viability of both and the T-trak concept. These shows also point to the decline in the presentation of full sized N-trak layouts as they become less popular and T-trak rises in popularity, mostly because of transportation issues. The compromise between available space for scenery and the ability to transport the modules is being won by the smaller T-trak modules. N-trak advantages are longer trains and more scenery, while T-trak has the advantage of easier setup and transportation. There is certainly room for both concepts, but currently, T-trak appears to be ahead in the popularity arena. To support this claim, recently finished a mountain division of the T-trak concept and is continuing to expand with more mountain modules on the way. Additionally, is now fully engaged in HO T-trak with our newer members carrying the responsibilities for this expansion.

Other ideas for the N scale T-trak are utilizing current modules in new and innovative ways to create such fascinating layouts as the double bubble and triple bubble concepts and modules being constructed to support the one-trak concept. In the HO realm, an inside corner is in the works as well as many new double modules. Most of these ideas were displayed at ’s most recent show at the Oneida County Historical Society with both HO and N scale layouts being displayed for the public. This was ’s largest HO layout so far and was well received by the community. Supplementing the HO, the N scale T-trak layout was the longest club only layout at over two and three quarters scale miles long on the red line. Not bad for a small club!

Finally, FUNTRAK wishes to welcome our newest member, Paul Boehlert into our midst. Hopefully, FUNTRAK can contribute to Paul’s interests and he in turn can help FUNTRAK move forward in its endeavors to promote the hobby. It should also be noted that our other new member this year, Greg Brockway, has contributed significantly to the club, especially with the HO T-trak modules. Greg’s efforts have greatly enhanced ’s image as well as its abilities to attract new members by increasing the field of scales being presented to the general public. FUNTRAK really does appreciate your efforts, Greg. Keep up the good work! Looking forward to a great new year, keep on training.


From the Desk: August 2012

So, summer is well on the way to the halfway point and so far it has proven to be a rather pleasant one. Much needed rain has arrived recently and the weekends have managed to escape torrential downpours despite the overall precipitation. None of the weekends have ended up as a complete washout, anyway. With the rain through the week, this leads to a reason to stay inside and, naturally, work on much needed model railroad items. Of course, I haven’t been taking advantage of this “free” time to accomplish the myriad of necessary things, but fortunately, one of ’s newest members, Greg Brockway, has been industriously employed and assembled the newest addition in the form of a new HO T-trak layout.

Greg B

Our newest club member has proved to be most industrious

Greg has managed to finish and scenic four corners and four modules in record time and make it all work. He displayed his handiwork at the most recent club meeting held at his home. The layout was up and running when we arrived and all looks wonderful. Everyone commented on Greg’s remarkable progress and the way the layout ran. This layout will be up and running at the PicNik this month. Do not miss this opportunity to see Greg’s craftsmanship in action. Speaking of craftsmanship, Brian Curry has given us some good news and some bad news. First the bad news. Brian will not be at the PicNik because of some other family obligations. We certainly will miss him and all the expertise he would bring to the event. On the other hand, the good news is to supply his T-trak module for the layout at the PicNik. As mentioned last month, we are all anxiously awaiting its arrival to see what the rest of us should be doing! Thank you Brian for your time, efforts, and consideration. Next year’s PicNik will be on the fourth of August. Don’t say you haven’t had enough time to plan ahead!

Other events this month include the Fonda Fair where will be setting up a large T-trak layout in addition to the other layouts already there. Greg may bring the HO T-trak division as well. Plans are incomplete at this writing, but intentions are to have the new layout at the fair for everyone to enjoy. More future plans are in the works such as a show in Mohawk over Columbus Day weekend supported by the local schools and PTO. More details will be forthcoming as soon as they are available. Since this will be an inaugural show, it is difficult to predict how it will go, but always hopes for the best and enjoys displaying trains for the public regardless of the obstacles that may present themselves.

Next on the agenda for will be the annual show in Clayton the weekend after Labor Day. Again this year anticipates bringing some N-trak modules and a T-trak layout. The rest of the West Winds group has promised to supply a few modules to enhance the T-trak layout with some new and exciting scenery. Come on out and support your local model railroad club. See you at the shows!


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