Tag: trains in Fulton

From the Desk: May 2013

Somehow it doesn’t seem possible, but this was the fifth year that has conducted its annual Valley Rail Sights show at the Masonic Lodge in Ilion. As usual, everything went swimmingly due to the efforts of ’s club members and the folks at the lodge. was fortunate to entice a new vendor to the show this year, Doug Davis, who was extremely pleased with the show. Doug brought many new and exciting products to the show and everyone benefited from his wares. Both Doug and are looking forward to his return next year.

The venue for this year was updated, as decided to not bring the usual N-Trak layout. The N scale T-Trak layout was expanded, as was the HO T-Trak layout. Our friend and great supporter, Rich Petitto from Syracuse, was in attendance and brought a G scale display. Lorenzo supplied his small Z scale oval and Brian supplied the children’s Lionel layout. Rich says that next year he will bring a small S scale layout to round out all the scales. F also managed to acquired a new member at the show this year. Welcome aboard to Bill Whittaker who joins us with an HO scale interest. This will be most helpful to Greg Brockway who has been the sole supporter of HO for the time being. Greg recently got his van roadworthy and is now able to transport the HO layout much more easily. With more manpower, better transportation, and new ideas and interests, should be able to expand its horizons in the other scales. We are all eagerly looking ahead to the new HO modules to be built and shown in the future.

One of the first outings for Greg’s van came on Saturday, April 27th at Fisher Elementary School. Greg brought the entire HO layout without having to cram everything into his Pontiac. Now the new module era can begin and Greg will be able to haul them with much less difficulty.

Overall, things are looking up for as new members, vehicles, ideas, scales, support, vendors, and model railroading in general are falling into place. This month, traditionally a slow model railroading month, expects to meet and discuss future plans as well as conduct a work session to build some of the future equipment for the upcoming shows. June should see at Dave’s Diner near the end of the month in conjunction with Dave’s famous and popular Cruise In’s. We plan to try out the new small generator recently acquired to see how it works out. Hopefully, it won’t be too loud! July may find at Clayt’s and possibly another work session. Volunteers to hold meetings are always welcome, let Brian know and meetings will be scheduled accordingly. August will see back at the Fonda Fair through Labor Day. September begins the cycle of ’s shows all over again. Check back regularly for information regarding shows and events.

Until next time–> keep on training!

FUNTRAK in Fulton, NY

runs trains with the Oswego Valley Railroad Association at their annual holiday show in Fulton, NY.

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