’s eighth annual PicNik is now history. Amazingly, the weather cooperated and the rain held off until late afternoon, allowing many of the scheduled activities to be completed as planned. This year, was finally able to put on the Scavenger Hunt, which had been rained out last year. Participants were not only trekking all around the yard, but solving tricky riddles. The winners, Jason Covey & Jessica Sklarz cleverly identified the author of Leatherstocking Tales. Do you know who it is?

As promised, the complete mountain line N-Trak layout was up and running. Check out the video.

Everyone enjoyed their favorite picnic fare, with many specialty dishes contributed by guests. No picnic is complete without the annual Cicigline birthday cakes. This year, Anna Frances delighted guests with a Strawberry-Lemonade checkerboard cake. Games, trains, and conversation were the order of the day. ’s next Picnik will be August 5, 2012 and plans are already in the works for bigger and better things. Make your plans early if you want to be a part of this activity next year.