Upcoming events include the annual PicNik on the first Sunday in August.

This year, the Leatherstocking Railway Historical Society is sponsoring a Cooperstown and Charlotte Valley Railroad Railfan Day 2015 on Saturday, August 1, 2015. This will be an all day affair with many different activities scheduled including train rides. Many of the scheduled events are free to the public. The action is set to begin at 9:00am and run until 10:00pm. If you are interested in attending this event and would like to make it an excursion from Brian’s house, let him know and we can see if we can make this a convoy from Brian’s house.

In support of the 2015 PicNik, the July club meeting will be on Saturday, July 18 at Brian’s house in Cooperstown from 11:00am until ? Everyone is welcome! Come on down and see what it takes to get ready for this great PicNik! Looking
forward to seeing you.
