Here is FUNTRAK club member Lorenzo Franchi preparing FUNTRAK’s newest addition, a crossing loop, for its initial run. Next is the train traversing the loop as designed. This arrangement makes for very interesting operations as the train can only be a certain length so as to not cause accidents!
From the Desk: October 2013
Diversity! A grand concept in many different realms. So how does diversity apply to model railroading? No two layouts are alike. This keeps the observers interest high. Since no two layouts are alike, operations, scenery, motive power, and consists are all different. More diversity. How does this apply to model railroad clubs? FUNTRAK has incorporated diversity by having multiple scales, multiple styles of layouts from N-trak to modular G and Lionel, to T-trak in N scale as well as HO. Club members represent a cross section of society, so many different ideas and concepts are presented in numerous ways. All this diversity keeps model railroading exciting for participants and viewers alike. Diversity forces new ideas and solutions to new and old problems. It also contributes to keeping those involved actively thinking about better ways to do things, new ways to build supporting equipment and modules, as well as involving fellow enthusiasts.
Currently, FUNTRAK is in the process of developing an automatic reverse loop, making larger radius corners, updating and maintaining scenery on many modules, constructing new modules in both N and HO scales, as well as attending various shows, all at the same time. The model railroad season is upon us and we are getting ready to jump right into the middle of it. Check out pictures posted from FUNTRAK’s most recent endeavors, below.
Brian was MIA for this show. Fortunately, John and Lorenzo were able to attend and provide planty of excitement and trains for the public to enjoy.[/caption]The Fonda Fair has become an annual staple for FUNTRAK along with the Clayton Thousand Islands show. Both of these shows have contributed significantly to FUNTRAK’s exposure to the public and drawn much interest over the years. Work sessions are becoming more common to add to FUNTRAK’s growing collection of model railroad equipment and modules. All of these activities add to the diversity of the club and allow for many different ways to enjoy the hobby. Whether you like to build things, run trains, railfan, or just armchair model, FUNTRAK has something diverse for everyone.
Come to the shows or a work session and see just how much fun you can truly have when you get busy in model railroading. FUNTRAK’s next event is our annual dinner at the Family Fun Center in Mohawk. We anticipate having a small N scale layout with, hopefully, some of the newly completed modules to exhibit and test before some of the upcoming major events. This should include the one-trak tee along with the reverse loop and possibly the new wider corners. Other items include the smaller corners that John Fleming recently scenicked. Some combination of modules will undoubtedly arrive at the dinner and present an interesting problem for all the FUNTRAK members to work on solving. This how diversity manages to maintain a high level of involvement and interest in the model railroad world. If you find this intriguing, come see us at one of the many model railroad shows. See you there!
RC Servo and Circuit for Model Railroading
Are you tired of paying $15 to $20 each for turnout motors? How about building your own for around $10? If this sounds like something you are interested in, have we got your ticket!
FUNTRAK’s Brian King worked on controlling common RC Servos with a simple circuit so that they could be used for turnout positioning or other applications. Download the PDF.
FUNTRAK 8th Annual Picnik
FUNTRAK’s eighth annual PicNik is now history. Amazingly, the weather cooperated and the rain held off until late afternoon, allowing many of the scheduled activities to be completed as planned. This year, FUNTRAK was finally able to put on the Scavenger Hunt, which had been rained out last year. Participants were not only trekking all around the yard, but solving tricky riddles. The winners, Jason Covey & Jessica Sklarz cleverly identified the author of Leatherstocking Tales. Do you know who it is?
As promised, the complete mountain line N-Trak layout was up and running. Check out the video.
Everyone enjoyed their favorite picnic fare, with many specialty dishes contributed by guests. No FUNTRAK picnic is complete without the annual Cicigline birthday cakes. This year, Anna Frances delighted guests with a Strawberry-Lemonade checkerboard cake. Games, trains, and conversation were the order of the day. FUNTRAK’s next Picnik will be August 5, 2012 and plans are already in the works for bigger and better things. Make your plans early if you want to be a part of this activity next year.
FUNTRAK Work Session
FUNTRAK club members John Fleming and Brian King spent Sunday afternoon constructing a transition module that attaches to one of the mountain corners on the FUNTRAK mountain layout. What started out as a flat module eventually ended up with a line running from the green mountain line down to the red outside main line. This arrangement actually only has a 2.2 percent grade from one level to the other. FUNTRAK will have this operational at the annual Picnik on August 7. It probably won’t be completely scenicked by then, but trains will be running. More pictures in the future as the construction phase progresses.
FUNTRAK at Dave’s Diner
FUNTRAK had a great setup at Dave’s Diner. Here a couple of videos for you to enjoy.
New Corner Module
The FUNTRAK crew has been working on building some new corner modules complete with the mountain line for use at future shows. As seen in the images below the work has been progressing. To find out more about these modules be sure to have a look at the July 2011 issue of the newsletter as a special feature will be revealed.