Tag: family fun

From the Desk: February 2014

Welcome to winter! The weather outside is NOT delightful, as the old song goes. It has been cold for the major portion of January and does not look like it will warm up to close out the month. So what have ’s members been doing to counter this atrocious weather? Why, attending old shows for the first time in many moons, and continuing to build new, exciting, different, and novel ttrak modules, of course!

For the first time since 2006, was invited to attend the January Toy Train Collectors Society annual show at Union Station. provided a small t-trak layout for the public’s enjoyment to augment the large contingent of Lionel trains at the show. This little layout generated a lot of interest among the spectators and pleased the vendors, since now their customers interested in something other than the Lionel O scale trains could actually see something else operating. All went well and everyone had a great time. The layout ran well after some initial adjustments were made to correct for some minor oversights. anticipates that we will be back again next year now that the promoters realize we no longer need huge amounts of space to accommodate our small empires.

Speaking of small empires, the newest modules have been constructing involve only a single loop when assembled as a point to point layout. One end of the loop is a crossing loop while the opposite end is a balloon shaped circle. This arrangement limits the size of trains to a restricted length as well as allowable motive power that is able to traverse the small radius curves. However, it does make it easy to assemble layouts in unusual shapes if desired. This simplified design also means that one person should have no problem in maintaining the layout alone, if necessary, since only one train will usually be running around the layout. The crossing loop is visually exciting because it looks like the train is going to collide with itself, but it doesn’t! This is just another example of where has been at the forefront of design for this newest venue of N scale model railroading by designing, building, and operating some of the most unique t-trak modules to be displayed anywhere.

Other areas where is moving forward include the HO division, which Greg Brockway has overseen exceptionally well. His dedication and ambition have made the HO modules more and more popular and are ever expanding. Because of his efforts, is more visible to the general public and able to attract more people into the fold.

Finally, January saw the annual show at Springfield have its usual huge attendance, but was noticeably missing any t-trak participation. We believe this will soon be rectified when the promoters are approached by some of the t-trak interested modelers next year. This may lead to becoming a participant again, albeit not with the larger n-trak modules but rather, the smaller, more convenient t-trak modules, at this huge event. Time will tell. Next up this month will see back at Fisher Elementary in support of the PTO over the weekend of February 22nd . Make a point to come out and support both and the PTO. Bring the family. After all, our first name is FUN! See you there.


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Spring Fun at Fisher Elementary

Funktrak found itself at Fisher Elem School again, the weekend of April 27-28.

Keeps Getting Better

This year’s Valley Rail Sights was better than ever! We gained a new vendor and a new club member. The show was a great success and we look forward to returning to the Ilion Masonic Lodge in 2014.

Valley Rail Sights 2013


‘s usual interesting layouts were the center of attention again this year at the annual Valley Rail Sights show in Ilion. In addition to the layouts this year, also had vendors with trains and supporting equipment for sale. The vendors were pleased and promised to return next year. Attendance was good and everyone had a great time.

Train Show Attracts Rail Fans of All Ages

Kids Like Trains

From left, James and Dylan Longwell watch in excitement as a model train moves around the track at the FUNTRAK show at Fisher Elementary School in Mohawk on Sunday. Photo: Nichole Grant, Little Falls Times.

Everyone – visitors and participants alike – had a great time at the train show this weekend. Our thanks go out to Fischer Elementary School for welcoming back again. Read more from The Little Falls Times.

Holiday Train Show

Rail Run 2012

The presents are opened, the toys are set aside. And there’s still another week of vacation. Now what? Come out and see trains!

Bring the whole family. runs trains at the Oneida County Historical Society Thursday, December 27 through Saturday, December 29.

Running Trains in Clayton

We had a great time. Check back for more details.

Funtrak at Fonda Fair 2012

 continues to expand the size of the club layouts displayed for the public. Again this year the t-trak layout got larger and the new HO t-trak layout was included at the Fonda Fair, thanks to one of FUNTRAK’s newest members, Greg Brockway. The week-long train display draws many visitors and fascinates observers as they watch multiple trains traverse the many routes available on the numerous different scale layouts on display. The hard work of the members of the clubs involved pays off in the many smiles from the public to the people presenting the great model railroads at the fair.

9th Annual FUNTRAK Picnik: A Rousing Success

WOW! What else can be said? The annual PicNik this year was a rousing success. The crowd was large, the trains were great, the weather was acceptable, the children were well behaved, everyone had fun, and, as always, the food selection, quality, and quantity were fantastic. Well over fifty people were in attendance for what has become the premiere event of the summer for FUNTRAK. Visitors from Albany, Rochester, and Canada brought diversity to the PicNik and kept things lively. David King did his usual wonderful job of providing chef service, club members John Fleming, Greg Brockway, and Lorenzo Franchi set up the trains, and My family provided the facilities and services necessary for another great PicNik. Watch for next year as it will be very special celebrating numerous different remarkable events. See you there!

Check out photos from the PicNik.


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